Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Hello, I'm back

So, it's been five years since my last post. Whaaaaahhhhtttt? FIVE YEARS! I'm sitting here, feeling the awkwardness of too long a separation between me and this particular white space. And, also, with you, whoever you are, still reading this blog. The cursor is blinking at me, daring me to say something, anything, to break the silence...

Where do I begin? How do I start to fill in the spaces? Who am I now after all these years? And why does it feel like coming back here is a matter of life and death? 

This blog was my companion whilst I contemplated about Love, searched for Love and tasted big Universal Love across multiple continents. And yet, when I seemed to have found "It," I stopped writing... 

At the time of my last blog posts, I had met someone. I got engaged and then married. I got pregnant and miscarried, I got pregnant again and now I have a beautiful two-year old. I still live in Egypt. I continue to teach a yoga program here. I embraced everything that I had wanted deeply but was afraid to commit to. I made a life here, I dove into the details. I became absorbed in the day-to-day--and days are particularly long with a morning yoga program and a self practice and a toddler. But I didn't think so much of the other parts of my life would fade into the gray.

I wish I had taken the time to write, especially about some of these remarkable landmarks in my life as they happened. I am content to have simply lived them, exhausted enough by the fullness of putting down roots and having a family. I have to admit, however, something was lost without this mode of reflection, particularly here where I shared with as much honestly and vulnerability as I could muster. And I wonder whether I could have processed all the blessings and challenges better had I somehow scraped the energy and time to write about them. 

Anyhow, I'm back. Or doing my best to come back to this place of self-reflection and sharing, of walking a path of love--sometimes its a bed of sweet smelling rose petals, sometimes its just pure thorniness--and all that entails. And I tell myself that its ok, if no one reads this. It is enough to get the words out. But if you're here, if you're with me, I so appreciate it, it will really be helpful because its a path better shared than trod alone. 

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